The BIBLOS project is designed to guide and help you with the development of an End-to-End Performance Simulator (E2ES) for Earth Observation missions.

An E2ES is a tool used by the Scientists and Engineering teams to simulate the acquisition and generation of the satellite products. There are an increasing number of missions that develop performance simulators in early stages (phase A, B1) to assess requirements, evaluate the instrument characteristics, the products, etc. These simulators often evolve into the operational simulators. The development of a simulators is costly. There needs to be a detailed definition of the architecture for each mission, implementation and a lengthy validation process. To try to reduce the cost, and avoid re-engineering, the BIBLOS project has a step-by-step approach that:

  • Helps you define an architecture taking into account your mission particularities
  • Provides validated software units that are ready to be used

All BIBLOS projects are based on ESA’s ARCHEO-E2E project led by GMV where a review of different EO mission E2ES (e.g. BIOMASS, FLEX, EarthCARE) and mission characteristics, led to the definition of six generic high-level modules.

All BIBLOS components are provided under the European Space Agency Community License – v2.3 Permissive.

News & Releases
Date Information
26.05.2021 Release of recorded workshop sessions, available here.
26.04.2021 Materials from workshop – presentations and scripts – are available here!
List of Conference papers is provided here!
23.02.2021 Registration for BIBLOS Workshop has been opened!
14.09.2020 Start of BIBLOS-3 project, which among other developments will include Instrument Module for Active Microwave Instruments, initial support for Active Optical Instruments (Lidars) and update of BIBLOS website.
30.10.2020 Release of BIBLOS SW v2.2 along with updated documents and tutorials.
14.10.2020 Maintenance Period of BIBLOS-2 is finished. Software version 2.2 will be available soon after internal review.
05.02.2020 Release of BIBLOS SW v2.1 along with updated documents and tutorials.
19.12.2019 Quick Start Guide and Tutorials on Passive Optical, Passive Microwave and Active Microwave Instruments have been issued. Documents are prepared for BIBLOS SW v2.0.
15.10.2019 BIBLOS-2 project enters in the Maintenance Period (12 months).
Licence under which all BIBLOS components are provided has been changed to ESA Software Community Licence Permissive – v2.3. See restriction in Register. All accounts registered with Google, Yahoo or Outlook Mail addresses have been deleted.
16.09.2019 Software BIBLOS v2.0 is released.
16.11.2016 BIBLOS-2 project is started.
15.04.2016 BIBLOS website is launched togehter with the release of BIBLOS v1.0 (only Passive Optical Instrument)
27.02.2013 ARCHEO-E2E project is finished

Any questions? Contact us!


The BIBLOS team.