Background information

The development of end-to-end mission performance simulators for Earth Observation missions has been progressively increasing in the last years, with the European Space Agency carrying out several activities to promote reuse among end-to-end simulators and reducing the re-engineering process taking place when evolving the simulators beyond the feasibility studies. Two of these activities are the ARCHEO-E2E study and the BIBLOS activity.

  • Reduce time and cost of simulator development
  • Avoid bugs by using tested and documented libraries and algorithms
  • Share data between missions by using unified approach to interfaces
Some important definitions

Here is some information and definitions used in End-to-End Simulators and in BIBLOS.

Related activities from ESA
  • OpenSF is a platform to run different models. It is advantageous when working with different software models produced in different activities. BIBLOS is designed to work on OpenSF, although it can also be executed standalone.
  • EO CFI libraries offer a collection of precompiled C libraries for timing, coordinate conversions, orbit propagation, satellite pointing calculations, and target visibility calculations.